..What is time?
The last couple of days we've done nothing but work, eat, socializing and sleep. Well except for Nick, who has not been sleeping so much.
Today has been quite intense, we've been working for 10 hours and we were really looking forward going to a restaurant with all the guys here as was planned. It got called of due to lack of interest from everyone except for Courtney and Lisa whom are now demanding us to cook them dinner. I wonder what we'll cook, we are thinking of lasagna but we really don't know.
There's at least one good thing that happened today, we got our first 'perfect room'. Yay us!
Postat av: Tomas "Elvis" Kampf!
synd att jag inte kan posta inlägg. vore hysteriskt kul att skrämma upp omgivningen med falska rykten om polio. Hoppas ni har det fint. det har jag:D